Service is our priority!
We provide on-site service, pick-up and delivery, or drop off service for you -- our valued customer. Whether you need domestic or commercial cleaning or custom sales, Hang & Shine of Pembroke can provide those services for you. And, with our mobile trailer, we bring our business right to your doorstep!

You can be assured of the quality of our services. We are licensed and insured and a member of the National Association of Certified Ultrasonic Cleaners. We will gladly provide references upon request.


We clean most types of blinds. Our cleaning process not only cleans metal blinds but also cloth blinds. This service is performed in a mobile trailer using state-of-the-art cleaning technology, all at your convenience. The mobile trailer is completely equipped with all the items needed to meet your blind cleaning needs. Your security and convenience are always our priority.

On-site cleaning We bring our cleaning service to you. We remove the blinds from the windows, take them to our mobile trailer, and clean them using state-of-the-art ultrasonic blind cleaning equipment.


Then, the blinds are dried and re-hung on the same windows they were removed from—all in one day. It doesn't matter if the blinds are metal or cloth, we have developed special drying methods so you are not left for days without your blinds.

For large facilities, such as office buildings or hospitals, we can schedule the on-site cleaning to meet your scheduling needs. It is often necessary to clean the blinds in the evening hours or on weekends, after regular business hours. Ultrasonic blind cleaning machines are versatile so that they may be placed within your building for cleaning. All that is needed for this service within the building is access to a janitorial closet with a water hook-up and a regular 120 volt outlet.

Pick-up and Delivery Service  Another convenient way to provide you with service is through a same day pick-up and delivery service. The normal procedure for this service is to pick-up your blinds in the morning, take the blinds back to our facility where they are cleaned, and return them in the afternoon or early evening. This way you are not without your blinds overnight. Most customers have their blinds picked up early in the morning before they go to work and have them delivered at a convenient time when they return home.

Drop-off Service  We offer drop-off service by appointment only. Our business office hours are 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM CST, Monday through Friday. However, due to our on-site custom service, we are not always in our office. Our cleaning jobs and installations are scheduled to meet the needs of our customers, whether it be during business hours or after hours, nights or week-ends. Just let us know what your schedule requires. Service is our priority.

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